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Калькулятор умений

Онлайн калькулятор умений (скил калькулятор, калькулятор талантов) Рагнарок Онлайн позволяет рассчитать билд Stalker.

Thief High

Джоб лвл: Скилпоинтов:
Detoxify Detoxify 0 / 1
Double Attack Double Attack 0 / 10
Envenom Envenom 0 / 10
Hiding Hiding 0 / 10
Increase Dodge Increase Dodge 0 / 10
Steal Steal 0 / 10
Back Sliding Back Sliding* 0 / 1
Pick Stone Pick Stone* 0 / 1
Sprinkle Sand Sprinkle Sand* 0 / 1
Throw Stone Throw Stone* 0 / 1


Джоб лвл: Скилпоинтов:
Back Stab Back Stab 0 / 10
Chase Walk Chase Walk 0 / 5
Cleaner Cleaner 0 / 1
Compulsion Discount Compulsion Discount 0 / 5
Double Strafing Double Strafing 0 / 10
Flag Graffiti Flag Graffiti 0 / 5
Full Strip Full Strip 0 / 5
Gangster's Paradise Gangster's Paradise 0 / 1
Graffiti Graffiti 0 / 1
Intimidate Intimidate 0 / 5
Plagiarism Plagiarism 0 / 10
Preserve Preserve 0 / 1
Raid Raid 0 / 5
Reject Sword Reject Sword 0 / 5
Remove Trap Remove Trap 0 / 1
Snatcher Snatcher 0 / 10
Steal Coin Steal Coin 0 / 10
Strip Armor Strip Armor 0 / 5
Strip Helm Strip Helm 0 / 5
Strip Shield Strip Shield 0 / 5
Strip Weapon Strip Weapon 0 / 5
Sword Mastery Sword Mastery 0 / 10
Tunnel Drive Tunnel Drive 0 / 5
Vulture's Eye Vulture's Eye 0 / 10
Close Confine Close Confine* 0 / 1
Наведите курсор на название скила, чтобы посмотреть его описание.
Required For: Create Deadly Poison (Assassin Cross)
Max Level: 1
Type: Active
SP Cost: 10
Target: 1 Player
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: Cures poison status on target.
Double Attack
Required For: Advanced Katar Research (L5 Assassin Cross), Soul Breaker (L5 Assassin Cross).
Max Level: 10
Type: Passive
Effect: Gives chance to double swing a Dagger class weapon with a chance equal to (5*SkillLV)%, and adds +1 HIT per SkillLV (that only applies in double attacks). In the case of an Assassin wielding two Dagger class weapons, it applies to the right-hand weapon only.
It also boosts the off-hand (left hand) damage of a Katar weapon by (1+2*SkillLV)% ATK.

[LV 1] 5% Chance, +1 HIT, +3% Katar DMG
[LV 2] 10% Chance, +2 HIT, +5% Katar DMG
[LV 3] 15% Chance, +3 HIT, +7% Katar DMG
[LV 4] 20% Chance, +4 HIT, +9% Katar DMG
[LV 5] 25% Chance, +5 HIT, +11% Katar DMG
[LV 6] 30% Chance, +6 HIT, +13% Katar DMG
[LV 7] 35% Chance, +7 HIT, +15% Katar DMG
[LV 8] 40% Chance, +8 HIT, +17% Katar DMG
[LV 9] 45% Chance, +9 HIT, +19% Katar DMG
[LV 10] 50% Chance, +10 HIT, +21% Katar DMG
Required For: Detoxify (L3), Enchant Poison (L1 Assassin), Soul Breaker (L5 Assassin Cross), Create Deadly Poison (L10 Assassin Cross).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 12
Target: 1 Enemy
Range: 2 cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: An attack that adds 15*SkillLV to your ATK (unmodified by Armor and VIT Def) to your normal damage. This bonus damage is always inflicted, whether your character lands a normal hit or not.
Envenom has a (10+4*SkillLV)% chance to inflict poison status on target. Poisoned targets have their DEF reduced by 25% and lose 3% of Maximum HP every 3 seconds unless that would cause HP to drop below 25% of Maximum HP.
The entire screen turns purple for the poisoned individual. Undead property and Boss monsters cannot be poisoned.

[LV 1] +15 ATK
[LV 2] +30 ATK
[LV 3] +45 ATK
[LV 4] +60 ATK
[LV 5] +75 ATK
[LV 6] +90 ATK
[LV 7] +105 ATK
[LV 8] +120 ATK
[LV 9] +135 ATK
[LV 10] +150 ATK
Required For: Cloaking (L2 Assassin), Tunnel Drive (L1 Rogue), Chase Walk (L5 Stalker)
Max Level: 10
Type: Active
SP Cost: 10 + see below
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: 30*SkillLV sec
Effect: Toggles the hide effect on the character on/off. Toggling the hide effect off consumes no SP. Hidden characters cannot move, attack or use any skill (except certain Rogue skills) and do not regenerate HP or SP.
The hide effect makes a character invisible to other players and monsters. This stops skills and spells that are targeted at you from working (those with casting times fail) and anything attacking you stops (assuming that their last hit doesn't hit you and reveal you!).
Area effect skills and spells can't hit you (except Heaven's Drive). Insects, Demons and Boss monsters are not affected by the hide effect. If you get hit by anything while hiding, you will be revealed.
Attention Concentrate, Ruwach, Detecting and Sight are all capable of revealing hidden characters. Consumes 10 SP for casting and continually drains certain amount of SP while hiding.

[LV 1] 30 Seconds, SP 1 / 5sec
[LV 2] 60 Seconds, SP 1 / 6sec
[LV 3] 90 Seconds, SP 1 / 7sec
[LV 4] 120 Seconds, SP 1 / 8sec
[LV 5] 150 Seconds, SP 1 / 9sec
[LV 6] 180 Seconds, SP 1 / 10sec
[LV 7] 210 Seconds, SP 1 / 11sec
[LV 8] 240 Seconds, SP 1 / 12sec
[LV 9] 270 Seconds, SP 1 / 13sec
[LV 10] 300 Seconds, SP 1 / 14sec
Increase Dodge
Max Level: 10
Type: Passive
Effect: Increases Flee Rate by +3*SkillLV. This skill boosts the walking speed for Assassins by 1% per SkillLV and gives an additional +1 Flee Rate per SkillLV when you are an Assassin or Rogue.
The walking speed bonus does not add to the walking speed increase when using Cloaking.

[LV 1] Flee Rate +3 (2nd class Flee Rate +4)
[LV 2] Flee Rate +6 (2nd class Flee Rate +8)
[LV 3] Flee Rate +9 (2nd class Flee Rate +12)
[LV 4] Flee Rate +12 (2nd class Flee Rate +16)
[LV 5] Flee Rate +15 (2nd class Flee Rate +20)
[LV 6] Flee Rate +18 (2nd class Flee Rate +24)
[LV 7] Flee Rate +21 (2nd class Flee Rate +28)
[LV 8] Flee Rate +24 (2nd class Flee Rate +32)
[LV 9] Flee Rate +27 (2nd class Flee Rate +36)
[LV 10] Flee Rate +30 (2nd class Flee Rate +40)
Required For: Hiding (L5), Snatcher (L1 Rogue)
Max Level: 10
Type: Active
SP Cost: 10
Target: 1 Monster
Range: Melee
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: Attempts to "steal" an item from the targeted monster. Only items dropped by the monster can be stolen. A successful Steal attempt will not affect what is dropped when the monster dies.
After success, it is not possible to Steal again from the same monster. Boss, Frozen and Stone Cursed monsters cannot be robed.
The formula for stealing is: DropRatio*(DEX - MonsterDEX + 10 + 3*SkillLV + )/100 where DropRatio is the percent chance of a particular item being dropped.
If the result of the steal check is lower than the AdjustedDropRatio for an item, then it is possible that item will be stolen.

[LV 1] Success Chance 10%
[LV 2] Success Chance 16%
[LV 3] Success Chance 22%
[LV 4] Success Chance 28%
[LV 5] Success Chance 34%
[LV 6] Success Chance 40%
[LV 7] Success Chance 46%
[LV 8] Success Chance 52%
[LV 9] Success Chance 58%
[LV 10] Success Chance 64%
Back Sliding
Type: Active
SP Cost: 7
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 0.5 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: Moves you backwards 5 cells (depends on the direction you are facing).
Pick Stone
Type: Active
SP Cost: 2
Cast Time: 0.5 sec
Cool Down: None
Effect: Adds one Stone item to your inventory. Will not work if you are overweight (more than 50% of total weight capacity).
Sprinkle Sand
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 9
Target: 1 Enemy
Range: Melee
ATK Type: Earth Physical
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: An attack with 130% normal ATK and with a 20% chance to cause blind effect. Although it has no Cast Time or Cool Down it can't be spamed.
Throw Stone
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 2
Target: 1 Enemy
Range: 7 cells
ATK Type: Neutral, Long Range, Physical
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 0.1 sec
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Stone
Effect: An attack that always does 50 points of damage (but does not ignore damage reduction cards) and has a 3% chance of causing the stun effect on the target. Consumes one stone per use. Useful for luring monsters link monsters away from a pack and other such sneaky thief-like tricks.
Back Stab
Required For: Raid (L2), Intimidate (L4)
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Cost: 16
Range: Melee (even with bow!)
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: Powerful attack that can only be used from behind the enemy. Cannot miss and will turn the target to face the caster, thus preventing repeated use. Damage is (320+40*SkillLV)% ATK (halved if used with a bow type weapon).
[LV 1] 340% ATK
[LV 2] 380% ATK
[LV 3] 420% ATK
[LV 4] 460% ATK
[LV 5] 500% ATK
[LV 6] 540% ATK
[LV 7] 580% ATK
[LV 8] 620% ATK
[LV 9] 660% ATK
[LV 10] 700% ATK
Chase Walk
Max Level: 5
Type: Supportive
SP Cost: 10
Upkeep SP Cost: 10 + 2*SkillLV per 10 sec
Upkeep SP Cost (WoE): 50 + 10*SkillLV per 10 sec
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: Sustained
Effect: Walk behind your enemy while hiding. All detecting skills will not be able to detect a Stalker in this mode. The stalker can not attack and he will become visible when his SP runs out.
Furthermore, attacks that impact the area that the stalker is in will end this skill thus revealing the stalker.
The Stalker leaves faint shoeprints on the ground while using this skill. Walking speed is reduced, but this can be compensated with higher SkillLV. Can be used during Guild Siege, but costs 5 times as much SP.
After a delay of 10 seconds, it will increase STR for 30 seconds.

[LV 1] Walk Speed 70%, STR +1
[LV 2] Walk Speed 75%, STR +2
[LV 3] Walk Speed 80%, STR +4
[LV 4] Walk Speed 85%, STR +8
[LV 5] Walk Speed 90%, STR +16
Required For: Flag Graffiti
Max Level: 1
Type: Active
Target: Area
Range: Melee
SP Cost: 5
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Wet Duster
Effect: Cleans graffiti from the ground.
(Not implemented by Gravity yet).
Compulsion Discount
Max Level: 5
Type: Passive
Effect: Enable to purchase items at a Lower Price in NPC Shops. Discount rates are better than Merchant Discount.
[Level 1] Discount Rate 9%
[Level 2] Discount Rate 13%
[Level 3] Discount Rate 17%
[Level 4] Discount Rate 21%
[Level 5] Discount Rate 25%
Double Strafing
Required For: Arrow Shower (L5 Archer), Beast Strafing (L10 Hunter -SoulLinked), Remove Trap (L5 Rogue), Sharp Shooting (L5 Sniper).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 12
Target: 1 Enemy
Range: 9 + Vulture's Eye SkillLV cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 0.1 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: Ranged attack, that fires two arrows and hits with an ATK of (180+20*SkillLV)%. Requires an equipped bow. Only 1 arrow is consumed.
[LV 1] 200% Damage
[LV 2] 220% Damage
[LV 3] 240% Damage
[LV 4] 260% Damage
[LV 5] 280% Damage
[LV 6] 300% Damage
[LV 7] 320% Damage
[LV 8] 340% Damage
[LV 9] 360% Damage
[LV 10] 380% Damage
Flag Graffiti
Required For: Graffiti (L5)
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
Target: Area
Range: Melee
SP Cost: 10
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: 180
Catalyst: 1 Giant Paint Brush
Effect: Creates a spray of your Guild Icon on the ground.
(Not implemented by Gravity yet).
[LV 1] 1 Guild Icon
[LV 2] 3 Guild Icons
[LV 3] 6 Guild Icons
[LV 4] 10 Guild Icons
[LV 5] 15 Guild Icons
Full Strip
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
SP Cost: 20 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: 60 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: On player in PVP: Takes equipped weapon, shield, armor and helm off player and prevents a reequip of ANY weapon, shield, armor and helm for a certain time. On monster: reduces Attack by 10% and DEF by 30% for the skill's duration.
Full Chemical Protection counters this skill. Success Chance is (5+2*SkillLV)%.

[LV 1] 7% Chance
[LV 2] 9% Chance
[LV 3] 11% Chance
[LV 4] 13% Chance
[LV 5] 15% Chance
Gangster's Paradise
Required For: Compulsion Discount, Cleaner
Max Level: 1
Type: Passive
Effect: When 2 or more Rogues sit next to each other (all must have this skill) aggressive monsters, except Boss monsters, won't attack.
Max Level: 1
Type: Active
Target: Area
Range: Melee
SP Cost: 15
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: 30 sec
Catalyst: 1 Red Gemstone
Effect: Creates a user defined text message on the ground.
Required For: Plagiarism (L5)
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
SP Cost: 10 + 3*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Melee
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: This skill teleports you and the target to a random area on the same map and attacks the target. The damage is (100+30*SkillLV)%. Does not work against Boss monsters.
[LV 1] 130% ATK
[LV 2] 160% ATK
[LV 3] 190% ATK
[LV 4] 220% ATK
[LV 5] 250% ATK
Required For: Preserve (L10 Stalker)
Max Level: 10
Type: Passive
Effect: Allows the last offensive skill used on you to be used as a skill you have gained. Only one skill may be copied at a time in this fashion, maximum copied skill level equals the Plagiarism SkillLV.
[LV 1] LV. 1 Skills can be copied
[LV 2] LV. 2 Skills can be copied
[LV 3] LV. 3 Skills can be copied
[LV 4] LV. 4 Skills can be copied
[LV 5] LV. 5 Skills can be copied
[LV 6] LV. 6 Skills can be copied
[LV 7] LV. 7 Skills can be copied
[LV 8] LV. 8 Skills can be copied
[LV 9] LV. 9 Skills can be copied
[LV 10] LV. 10 Skills can be copied
Max Level: 1
Type: Supportive
SP Cost: 30
Target: Self
Cast Time: 1
Cool Down: None
Duration: 600 sec
Effect: Allows Stalker to not change the skill learned via Plagiarism even when hit by a different skill for duration of the skill.
Required For: Intimidate (L5)
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
Target: Enemy
SP Cost: 20
Range: Weapon Range
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: Attacks a target and the 3*3 cells below it with a chance to Stun and Blind. Rogue must be hiding to use this skill. Damage is (100+40*SkillLV)% ATK. Chance to Stun/Blind is (10+3*SkillLV)%.
[LV 1] 140% Attack, 13% Chance
[LV 2] 180% Attack, 16% Chance
[LV 3] 220% Attack, 19% Chance
[LV 4] 260% Attack, 22% Chance
[LV 5] 300% Attack, 25% Chance
Reject Sword
Max Level: 5
Type: Supportive
SP Cost: 5 + 5*SkillLV
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: 300 sec, or 3 Reflects
Effect: When in PVP mode it has a chance to reduce all sword and dagger damage by half and returns the other half to the attacker for 3 hits. Works on monsters regardless of their weapon.
[LV 1] 15% Chance of Reflection
[LV 2] 30% Chance of Reflection
[LV 3] 45% Chance of Reflection
[LV 4] 60% Chance of Reflection
[LV 5] 75% Chance of Reflection
Remove Trap
Required For: Spring Trap, Talkie Box
Max Level: 1
Type: Active
SP Cost: 5
Target: 1 Trap
Range: 2 cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: Turns one set trap back into a Trap item. You only get one trap even if you needed two for setting it. Can be used with an Ankle Snare that has already caught a target, but in this case you will not get a Trap item. Only works with your own traps.
Required For: Steal Coin (L4)
Type: Passive
Target: Enemy
Effect: Steals from the enemy while attacking normally. Steal success chance is based on the Thief Steal Skill.
[LV 1] 7% Chance of Auto Steal
[LV 2] 8% Chance of Auto Steal
[LV 3] 10% Chance of Auto Steal
[LV 4] 11% Chance of Auto Steal
[LV 5] 13% Chance of Auto Steal
[LV 6] 14% Chance of Auto Steal
[LV 7] 16% Chance of Auto Steal
[LV 8] 17% Chance of Auto Steal
[LV 9] 19% Chance of Auto Steal
[LV 10] 20% Chance of Auto Steal
Steal Coin
Required For: Strip Helm (L2), Back Stab (L4)
Max Level: 10
Type: Active
Target: Monster
SP Cost: 15
Range: Melee
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: Steals Zeny from a monster, affected by DEX, LUK, and SkillLV, amount stolen is based on monsters level. Can only be used to steal Zeny once, however it is possible to steal Zeny from monsters that the user stole items before. (1*SkillLV)% chance to steal.
Strip Armor
Required For: Strip Weapon (L5), Full Strip (L5 Stalker)
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
SP Cost: 15 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Melee
Cast Time: 1 sec
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: 60 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: On player in PVP: Takes equipped armor off player and prevents a reequip of ANY armor for a certain time. On monster: Reduces VIT by 40% for skill's duration.
Chemical Protection avoids this skill. Success Chance is (5+2*SkillLV)%.

[LV 1] 7% Chance
[LV 2] 9% Chance
[LV 3] 11% Chance
[LV 4] 13% Chance
[LV 5] 15% Chance
Strip Helm
Required For: Strip Shield (L5), Full Strip (L5 Stalker)
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
SP Cost: 10 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Melee
Cast Time: 1 sec
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: 60 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: On player in PVP: Takes equipped helm off player and prevents a reequip of ANY helm for a certain time. On monster: Reduces INT by 40% for skill's duration.
Chemical Protection avoids this skill. Success Chance is (5+2*SkillLV)%.

[LV 1] 7% Chance
[LV 2] 9% Chance
[LV 3] 11% Chance
[LV 4] 13% Chance
[LV 5] 15% Chance
Strip Shield
Required For: Gangster's Paradise (L3), Strip Armor (L5), Full Strip (L5 Stalker)
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
SP Cost: 10 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Melee
Cast Time: 1 sec
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: 60 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: On player in PVP: Takes equipped shield off player and prevents a reequip of ANY shield for a certain time. On monster: Reduces DEF by 15% for skill's duration.
Chemical Protection avoids this skill. Success Chance is (5+2*SkillLV)%.

[LV 1] 7% Chance
[LV 2] 9% Chance
[LV 3] 11% Chance
[LV 4] 13% Chance
[LV 5] 15% Chance
Strip Weapon
Required For: Reject Sword (L1 Stalker), Full Strip (L5 Stalker)
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
SP Cost: 15 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Melee
Cast Time: 1 sec
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: 60 + 15*SkillLV sec
Effect: On player in PVP: Takes equipped weapon off player and prevents a reequip of ANY weapon for a certain time. On monster: reduces Attack by 25% for skill's duration.
Chemical Protection avoids this skill. Success Chance is (5+2*SkillLV)%.

[LV 1] 7% Chance
[LV 2] 9% Chance
[LV 3] 11% Chance
[LV 4] 13% Chance
[LV 5] 15% Chance
Sword Mastery
Required For: Two-Handed Sword Mastery (L1 Swordman)
Max Level: 10
Type: Passive
Effect: Increases damage with Daggers and Swords (1-handed only) by 4*SkillLV. This damage ignores modification from Armor and VIT defense, but not from Elemental and Card modifiers and applies to all hits for multi hit attacks.
[LV 1] ATK +4
[LV 2] ATK +8
[LV 3] ATK +12
[LV 4] ATK +16
[LV 5] ATK +20
[LV 6] ATK +24
[LV 7] ATK +28
[LV 8] ATK +32
[LV 9] ATK +36
[LV 10] ATK +40
Tunnel Drive
Required For: Raid (L2), Chase Walk (L3 Stalker)
Max Level: 5
Type: Passive
SP Cost: Hide dependant
Effect: Upgrades the Hide skill to allow slow movement while hiding. Not restricted to walls like the Assassins Cloaking Skill.
Movement Speed:
[LV 1] 26%
[LV 2] 32%
[LV 3] 38%
[LV 4] 44%
[LV 5] 50%
Vulture's Eye
Required For: Attention Concentrate (L1), Double Strafing (L10 Rogue), Falcon Assault (L5 Sniper), True Sight (L10 Sniper).
Max Level: 10
Type: Passive
Effect: Increases range with bows by 1*SkillLV cells and increases HIT by 1 per SkillLV.
[LV 1] Range and HIT +1
[LV 2] Range and HIT +2
[LV 3] Range and HIT +3
[LV 4] Range and HIT +4
[LV 5] Range and HIT +5
[LV 6] Range and HIT +6
[LV 7] Range and HIT +7
[LV 8] Range and HIT +8
[LV 9] Range and HIT +9
[LV 10] Range and HIT +10
Close Confine
Max Level: 1
Type: Active
SP Cost: 25
Target: Enemy
Range: Unknown (melee?)
Cast Time: Unknown
Cool Down: Unknown
Duration: 10 sec
Effect: For 10 seconds, you grab a single enemy, preventing you and the target to move. While you grab onto someone, you will have +10 bonus to Flee Rate.
If either the victim or you die, or should any of them teleport away, this skill is cancelled.