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Ragnarok Novice Personality Test

Ragnarok Novice Personality Test Тест на принадлежность к одному из классов - последнее испытание в novice training grounds. Вообще, его сделали, чтобы в ненавязчивой форме определить, какая Профессия больше подойдет новому, ничего не понимающему в этих ваших рагнароках, игроку. Но мы-то с вами знаем, что это просто способ получить бесплатный варп в нужный для получения профы город и немного ништяков, совсем не лишних в начале пути.

Выберите желаемую профу: Ако (Послушник) / Арч (Лучник) / Маг / Мерч (Торговец) / Свoрд (Мечник) / Вор

Ако (Послушник)
1.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingPublic Service
2.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingConserve
3.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingConsumer
4.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingPrudence
5.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingExperience
6.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingThe Past
7.I'd rather die than live submissivelyYes
8.You are often upset to see someone better than youNo
9.You don't mind exploring dangerous placesYes
10.You are a leader-type personNo
11.While exploring a dungeon, you Run into a dead end.
However, there is a sign that reads 'Do Not Push' next to a Stone
that looks strangely like a button on the wall next to you.
Do you give in to the urge to push this button?
12.You often see things that don't existYes
13.If you fell off a cliff, you'd feel like you were flyingYes
14.Money talksNo
15.As you check your tight scheduleYou are proud and satisfied.
16.As you go window shopping, you find a really interesting item in a store,
debating wheter or not to buy it.
Before making a purchase, the first thing you do is...
Consider if you need it.
17.Fill in the blank: You ____ competing with other people...Don't like...
18.You're responsible for a task that requires you to cooperate with many people.
If you handle it alone, it will take a lot of effort and time.
But if you cooperate with others, it will be simple and an enjoyable task.
You would...
Ask friends to help.
19.You happen to find a girl who fainted on the street. What would you do?Carry her to a hospital.
20.You happen to pick up 'Clothing'. What would you do?Wonder who lost it.
21.You happened to accidentally slip your Tongue in the middle of a conversation.
How do you cope with this situation?
Apologize honestly.
22.You're on the trip with your beloved.
Your significant other then asks you to buy a souvenir that's not particularly good.
What do you do?
Buy the item for her/him.

Арч (Лучник)
1.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingExercise
2.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingChange
3.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingSeller
4.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingPrudence
5.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingExperience
6.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingThe Future
7.I'd rather die than live submissivelyNo
8.You are often upset to see someone better than youNo
9.You don't mind exploring dangerous placesYes
10.You are a leader-type personNo
11.While exploring a dungeon, you Run into a dead end.
However, there is a sign that reads 'Do Not Push' next to a Stone
that looks strangely like a button on the wall next to you.
Do you give in to the urge to push this button?
12.You often see things that don't existYes
13.If you fell off a cliff, you'd feel like you were flyingYes
14.Money talksNo
15.As you check your tight scheduleSchedule? What schedule?
16.As you go window shopping, you find a really interesting item in a store,
debating wheter or not to buy it.
Before making a purchase, the first thing you do is...
Check the price.
17.Fill in the blank: You ____ competing with other people...Don't like...
18.You're responsible for a task that requires you to cooperate with many people.
If you handle it alone, it will take a lot of effort and time.
But if you cooperate with others, it will be simple and an enjoyable task.
You would...
Ask friends to help.
19.You happen to find a girl who fainted on the street. What would you do?Assess the situation before taking action.
20.You happen to pick up 'Clothing'. What would you do?Leave it where it was.
21.You happened to accidentally slip your Tongue in the middle of a conversation.
How do you cope with this situation?
Change the subject.
22.You're on the trip with your beloved.
Your significant other then asks you to buy a souvenir that's not particularly good.
What do you do?
Promise to buy it next time.

На все вопросы можно отвечать последним вариантом.
1.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingStudy
2.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingConserve
3.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingProducer
4.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingPrudence
5.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingTheory
6.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingThe Future
7.I'd rather die than live submissivelyYes
8.You are often upset to see someone better than youNo
9.You don't mind exploring dangerous placesNo
10.You are a leader-type personYes
11.While exploring a dungeon, you Run into a dead end.
However, there is a sign that reads 'Do Not Push' next to a Stone
that looks strangely like a button on the wall next to you.
Do you give in to the urge to push this button?
12.You often see things that don't existNo
13.If you fell off a cliff, you'd feel like you were flyingNo
14.Money talksNo
15.As you check your tight scheduleYou are proud and satisfied.
16.As you go window shopping, you find a really interesting item in a store,
debating wheter or not to buy it.
Before making a purchase, the first thing you do is...
Consider if you need it.
17.Fill in the blank: You ____ competing with other people...Don't mind...
18.You're responsible for a task that requires you to cooperate with many people.
If you handle it alone, it will take a lot of effort and time.
But if you cooperate with others, it will be simple and an enjoyable task.
You would...
Ask friends to help.
19.You happen to find a girl who fainted on the street. What would you do?Carry her to a hospital.
20.You happen to pick up 'Clothing'. What would you do?Wonder who lost it.
21.You happened to accidentally slip your Tongue in the middle of a conversation.
How do you cope with this situation?
Change the subject.
22.You're on the trip with your beloved.
Your significant other then asks you to buy a souvenir that's not particularly good.
What do you do?
Promise to buy it next time.

Мерч (Торговец)
1.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingExercise
2.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingChange
3.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingSeller
4.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingCelebrity
5.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingTheory
6.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingReality
7.I'd rather die than live submissivelyYes
8.You are often upset to see someone better than youYes
9.You don't mind exploring dangerous placesNo
10.You are a leader-type personYes
11.While exploring a dungeon, you Run into a dead end.
However, there is a sign that reads 'Do Not Push' next to a Stone
that looks strangely like a button on the wall next to you.
Do you give in to the urge to push this button?
12.You often see things that don't existYes
13.If you fell off a cliff, you'd feel like you were flyingYes
14.Money talksYes
15.As you check your tight scheduleYou feel like a robot.
16.As you go window shopping, you find a really interesting item in a store,
debating wheter or not to buy it.
Before making a purchase, the first thing you do is...
Consider if you need it.
17.Fill in the blank: You ____ competing with other people...Don't care about...
18.You're responsible for a task that requires you to cooperate with many people.
If you handle it alone, it will take a lot of effort and time.
But if you cooperate with others, it will be simple and an enjoyable task.
You would...
Ask friends to help.
19.You happen to find a girl who fainted on the street. What would you do?Carry her to a hospital.
20.You happen to pick up 'Clothing'. What would you do?Check the brand.
21.You happened to accidentally slip your Tongue in the middle of a conversation.
How do you cope with this situation?
Analyze it.
22.You're on the trip with your beloved.
Your significant other then asks you to buy a souvenir that's not particularly good.
What do you do?
Buy the item for her/him.

Сворд (Мечник)
На все вопросы можно просто прожать enter
1.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingStudy
2.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingChange
3.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingConsumer
4.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingCelebrity
5.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingTheory
6.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingThe Past
7.I'd rather die than live submissivelyYes
8.You are often upset to see someone better than youYes
9.You don't mind exploring dangerous placesYes
10.You are a leader-type personYes
11.While exploring a dungeon, you Run into a dead end.
However, there is a sign that reads 'Do Not Push' next to a Stone
that looks strangely like a button on the wall next to you.
Do you give in to the urge to push this button?
12.You often see things that don't existYes
13.If you fell off a cliff, you'd feel like you were flyingYes
14.Money talksYes
15.As you check your tight scheduleYou feel like a robot.
16.As you go window shopping, you find a really interesting item in a store,
debating wheter or not to buy it.
Before making a purchase, the first thing you do is...
Consider if you need it.
17.Fill in the blank: You ____ competing with other people...Don't mind...
18.You're responsible for a task that requires you to cooperate with many people.
If you handle it alone, it will take a lot of effort and time.
But if you cooperate with others, it will be simple and an enjoyable task.
You would...
Handle it by myself, even if it's hard.
19.You happen to find a girl who fainted on the street. What would you do?Carry her to a hospital.
20.You happen to pick up 'Clothing'. What would you do?Check the brand.
21.You happened to accidentally slip your Tongue in the middle of a conversation.
How do you cope with this situation?
Pretend it's a joke.
22.You're on the trip with your beloved.
Your significant other then asks you to buy a souvenir that's not particularly good.
What do you do?
Buy the item for her/him.

1.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingExercise
2.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingChange
3.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingConsumer
4.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingCelebrity
5.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingExperience
6.Please choose the word that best matches you from among the followingReality
7.I'd rather die than live submissivelyYes
8.You are often upset to see someone better than youYes
9.You don't mind exploring dangerous placesYes
10.You are a leader-type personNo
11.While exploring a dungeon, you Run into a dead end.
However, there is a sign that reads 'Do Not Push' next to a Stone
that looks strangely like a button on the wall next to you.
Do you give in to the urge to push this button?
12.You often see things that don't existNo
13.If you fell off a cliff, you'd feel like you were flyingNo
14.Money talksNo
15.As you check your tight scheduleSchedule? What schedule?
16.As you go window shopping, you find a really interesting item in a store,
debating wheter or not to buy it.
Before making a purchase, the first thing you do is...
Don't think twice, just buy it!
17.Fill in the blank: You ____ competing with other people...Don't care about...
18.You're responsible for a task that requires you to cooperate with many people.
If you handle it alone, it will take a lot of effort and time.
But if you cooperate with others, it will be simple and an enjoyable task.
You would...
Handle it by myself, even if it's hard.
19.You happen to find a girl who fainted on the street. What would you do?Just ignore it.
20.You happen to pick up 'Clothing'. What would you do?Finder's keepers!
21.You happened to accidentally slip your Tongue in the middle of a conversation.
How do you cope with this situation?
Pretend it's a joke.
22.You're on the trip with your beloved.
Your significant other then asks you to buy a souvenir that's not particularly good.
What do you do?
Say 'no'.
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