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Калькулятор умений

Онлайн калькулятор умений (скил калькулятор, калькулятор талантов) Рагнарок Онлайн позволяет рассчитать билд Oboro.


Джоб лвл: Скилпоинтов:
Cast-off Ciceda Shell Cast-off Ciceda Shell 0 / 5
Crimson Fire Blossom Crimson Fire Blossom 0 / 10
Crimson Fire Formation Crimson Fire Formation 0 / 10
Dragon Fire Formation Dragon Fire Formation 0 / 5
Falling Ice Pillar Falling Ice Pillar 0 / 5
Final Strike Final Strike 0 / 10
Illusionary Shadow Illusionary Shadow 0 / 10
Lightning Crash Lightning Crash 0 / 5
Lightning Spear of Ice Lightning Spear of Ice 0 / 10
Mist Slash Mist Slash 0 / 10
Ninpou Training Ninpou Training 0 / 10
North Wind North Wind 0 / 5
Reverse Tatami Reverse Tatami 0 / 5
Shadow Jump Shadow Jump 0 / 5
Shadow Slash Shadow Slash 0 / 5
Soul Soul 0 / 5
Throw Huuma Shuriken Throw Huuma Shuriken 0 / 5
Throw Kunai Throw Kunai 0 / 5
Throw Shuriken Throw Shuriken 0 / 10
Throw Zeny Throw Zeny 0 / 10
Throwing Mastery Throwing Mastery 0 / 10
Water Escape Technique Water Escape Technique 0 / 10
Wind Blade Wind Blade 0 / 10


Джоб лвл: Скилпоинтов:
Akaitsuki Akaitsuki 0 / 5
Bakuretsu Kunai Bakuretsu Kunai 0 / 5
Dohu Koukai Dohu Koukai 0 / 1
Genwaku Genwaku 0 / 5
Happo Kunai Happo Kunai 0 / 5
Huuma Shuriken Ranka Huuma Shuriken Ranka 0 / 5
Hyouhu Hubuki Hyouhu Hubuki 0 / 1
Izayoi Izayoi 0 / 5
Jyumonjikiri Jyumonjikiri 0 / 5
Jyusatsu Jyusatsu 0 / 5
Kahu Enten Kahu Enten 0 / 1
Kazehu Seiran Kazehu Seiran 0 / 1
Kyougaku Kyougaku 0 / 5
Left Hand Mastery Left Hand Mastery 0 / 5
Makibishi Makibishi 0 / 5
Meikyo Shisui Meikyo Shisui 0 / 5
Mucha Nage Mucha Nage 0 / 10
Oboro Gensou Oboro Gensou 0 / 5
Right Hand Mastery Right Hand Mastery 0 / 5
Setsudan Setsudan 0 / 5
Technique Kaihou Technique Kaihou 0 / 1
Yamikumo Yamikumo 0 / 1
Zangetsu Zangetsu 0 / 5
Zanzou Zanzou 0 / 5
Zenkai Zenkai 0 / 1
Наведите курсор на название скила, чтобы посмотреть его описание.
Cast-off Ciceda Shell
Required For: Illusionary Shadow (L4).
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
SP Cost: 9 + 3*SkillLv
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 1.5 sec
Duration: 10 + 10*SkillLV
Effect: An advanced Ninja technique that allows one to dissapear instantly from thier location to avoid damage, however if you are struck you will jump back 7 cells in the direction you were hit (you are not pushed back in WoE). It blocks 1 + SkillLV/2 attacks. Not all skills can be blocked including Magic attacks. If you are in mid cast, this jump will not actually interupt your casting.
[LV 1] 10 sec, 1 Attack
[LV 2] 20 sec, 1 Attack
[LV 3] 30 sec, 2 Attacks
[LV 4] 40 sec, 2 Attacks
[LV 5] 50 sec, 3 Attacks
Crimson Fire Blossom
Required For: Crimson Fire Formation (L5).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 16 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: 0.7*SkillLV sec
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: Throw a burning petal at a single target, causing SkillLV number of hits with 90% MATK damage each.
[LV 1] 1 Hit, 90% MATK total
[LV 2] 2 Hits, 180% MATK total
[LV 3] 3 Hits, 270% MATK total
[LV 4] 4 Hits, 360% MATK total
[LV 5] 5 Hits, 450% MATK total
[LV 6] 6 Hits, 540% MATK total
[LV 7] 7 Hits, 630% MATK total
[LV 8] 8 Hits, 720% MATK total
[LV 9] 9 Hits, 810% MATK total
[LV 10] 10 Hits, 900% MATK total
Crimson Fire Formation
Required For: Dragon Fire Formation (L7).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 25
Target: Self
Area: 5x5 cells
Cast Time: (6.5 - 0.5*SkillLV) sec
Cool Down: 1 sec
Catalyst: 1 Burning Stone
Duration: 20 sec OR 4 + SkillLV/2 hits, whichever comes first
Effect: Summon a firestorm in 5x5 cells around you, it deals damage until 4+SkillLV/2 (round up) hits have been dealt or it expires.
[LV 1] 5 Hits
[LV 2] 5 Hits
[LV 3] 6 Hits
[LV 4] 6 Hits
[LV 5] 7 Hits
[LV 6] 7 Hits
[LV 7] 8 Hits
[LV 8] 8 Hits
[LV 9] 9 Hits
[LV 10] 9 Hits
Dragon Fire Formation
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 15 + 5*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: 3 sec
Cool Down: 3 sec
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Burning Stone
Effect: Summon a fire dragon that attacks the enemy three times and causes MATK +(150+150*SkillLV)% splash damage in the 5x5 cells around the target.
[LV 1] MATK +300%
[LV 2] MATK +450%
[LV 3] MATK +600%
[LV 4] MATK +750%
[LV 5] MATK +900%
Falling Ice Pillar
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 35 + 5*SkillLV
Target: Self
Area: 7x7 cells
Cast Time: 1.5 + SkillLv*0.5 sec
Cool Down: 0.8 + 0.2*SkillLV sec
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Freezing Stone
Effect: Summons a large ice meteor that causes damage to all enemies within 7x7 cells of the caster, with a chance to freeze them. Damage is based on MATK.
[LV 1] +150% MATK, Freeze Chance 20%
[LV 2] +200% MATK, Freeze Chance 30%
[LV 3] +250% MATK, Freeze Chance 40%
[LV 4] +300% MATK, Freeze Chance 50%
[LV 5] +350% MATK, Freeze Chance 60%
Final Strike
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 50 + 5*SkillLV
HP Cost: All but 1
Target: Enemy
Range: 5 cells
Cast Time: None
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: Attack a single target using the rest of your HP to deal massive damage. The more HP you have when casting, the more damage will be done. After using this ability, your HP will be 1.
Illusionary Shadow
Max Level: 10
Type: Active
SP Cost: 28 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Self
Cast Time: 4.5 sec - SkillLv*0.5, doesn't goes under 1
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: 40 + 20*SkillLV sec
Catalyst: 1 Shadow Orb
Effect: When cast, the player will turn bluish color and Ninja SOul will be released. Create a mirror image that will enable the caster to dodge 0.5 + SkillLV/2 number of Melee and Ranged Physical attacks. This does not protect from Magic attacks.
[LV 1] 1 Attack, 60 sec
[LV 2] 1 Attack, 80 sec
[LV 3] 2 Attacks, 100 sec
[LV 4] 2 Attacks, 120 sec
[LV 5] 3 Attacks, 140 sec
[LV 6] 3 Attacks, 160 sec
[LV 7] 4 Attacks, 180 sec
[LV 8] 4 Attacks, 200 sec
[LV 9] 5 Attacks, 220 sec
[LV 10] 5 Attacks, 240 sec
Lightning Crash
Required For: North Wind (L5).
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 12 + 4*SkillLV
Target: Self
Area: See below
Cast Time: 4 sec
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Windchime Stone
Effect: Summon lightning to strike enemies around you. Damage is based on MATK and wind element.
[LV 1] +200% MATK, 5x5 cells
[LV 2] +240% MATK, 5x5 cells
[LV 3] +280% MATK, 7x7 cells
[LV 4] +320% MATK, 7x7 cells
[LV 5] +360% MATK, 9x9 cells
Lightning Spear of Ice
Required For: Water Escape Technique (L5).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 12 + 3*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: 0.7*SkillLV sec
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: Summon 2+SkillLV ice spears to damage the enemy. Each ice spear does 70% MATK damage.
Mist Slash
Required For: Shadow Slash (L5), Illusionary Shadow (L5).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 8 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Melee
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 1.5 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: Attack an enemy with (100+10*SkillLV)% ATK and hide you afterwards.
This hiding is the same as the Thief skill Hiding, consuming the same SP and has the same durration.
If you miss the target, you will not be put into hiding.

[LV 1] 110% ATK / 30 sec Hide Durration
[LV 2] 120% ATK / 60 sec Hide Durration
[LV 3] 130% ATK / 90 sec Hide Durration
[LV 4] 140% ATK / 120 sec Hide Durration
[LV 5] 150% ATK / 150 sec Hide Durration
[LV 6] 160% ATK / 180 sec Hide Durration
[LV 7] 170% ATK / 210 sec Hide Durration
[LV 8] 180% ATK / 240 sec Hide Durration
[LV 9] 190% ATK / 270 sec Hide Durration
[LV 10] 200% ATK / 300 sec Hide Durration
Ninpou Training
Required For: Crimson Fire Blossom (L1), Crimson Fire Formation (L1), Lightning Spear of Ice (L1), Wind Blade (L1), Soul (L5), Dragon Fire Formation (L10), Falling Ice Pillar (L10), North Wind (L10), Lightning Crash (L1).
Max Level: 10
Type: Passive
Effect: Recovers (Maximum SP/500 + 3)*SkillLV SP per 10 full seconds when standing still and increases the efficiency of SP recovering items by +2% per SkillLV.
[LV 1] +3SP/10sec,items +2%
[LV 2] +6SP/10sec,items +4%
[LV 3] +9SP/10sec,items +6%
[LV 4] +12SP/10sec,items +8%
[LV 5] +15SP/10sec,items +10%
[LV 6] +18SP/10sec,items +12%
[LV 7] +21SP/10sec,items +14%
[LV 8] +24SP/10sec,items +16%
[LV 9] +27SP/10sec,items +18%
[LV 10] +30SP/10sec,items +20%
North Wind
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 20 + 4*SkillLV cells
Target: Enemy
Range: 4 + SkillLV cells
Cast Time: 4 sec
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Windchime Stone
Effect: Summons the wrath of the wind to destroy everything on a line with a length of 4+SkillLV cells and a width of 5 cells from you into the direction of the targetted mob. Deals +(100+100*SkillLV)% MATK based wind element damage.
[LV 1] +200% MATK, Damage Range 5 cells
[LV 2] +300% MATK, Damage Range 6 cells
[LV 3] +400% MATK, Damage Range 7 cells
[LV 4] +500% MATK, Damage Range 8 cells
[LV 5] +600% MATK, Damage Range 9 cells
Reverse Tatami
Required For: Shadow Jump (L1), Shadow Slash (L1), Mist Slash (L1), Cast-off Ciceda Shell (L1), Illusionary Shadow (L1).
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
SP Cost: 15
Target: Self
Area: See below
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 3 sec
Duration: 3 sec
Effect: Flip tatami in 4 directions, kocking nearby enemies back and blocking ranged attacks for 3 seconds. When hit by the skill, the enemies are knocked back 5 cells and takes damage of (100+10*SkillLV)% ATK.
The area affected increased with higher levels of the skill, and only a person in line with these take damage.
The ranged attack blocking is like pneuma (only 1 tile though), centered on the caster. If the caster moves, this effect disappears.

[LV 1] 1 cell range, 110% ATK
[LV 2] 1 cell range, 120% ATK
[LV 3] 2 cells range, 130% ATK
[LV 4] 2 cells range, 140% ATK
[LV 5] 3 cells range, 150% ATK
Shadow Jump
Required For: Shadow Slash (L1), Cast-off Ciceda Shell (L5).
Max Level: 5
Type: Passive
SP Cost: 10
Target: Enemy
Range: 5 + 2*SkillLV cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: Instantly moves the caster to a targeted cell, ignoring obstacles in the caster's way.
Shadow Leap can only be performed when the caster is in Hiding status (attainable through the Mist Slash skill).
You cannot jump to cells where you could't stand normally.
When used in WoE Shadow Jump will simply cause you to leave hiding.

[LV 1] 7 cells range
[LV 2] 9 cells range
[LV 3] 11 cells range
[LV 4] 13 cells range
[LV 5] 15 cells range
Shadow Slash
Required For: Bunshin no Jutsu (L3), Issen (L5), Illusionary Shadow (L3).
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 12 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: Shadow Jump SkillLV cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Effect: A combination of Shadow Jump and Mist Slash, this skill leaps from the shadows to deal massive damage. The skill has +(25+5*SkillLV)% Critical Rate, though when you strike the opponent you will not see the crit box but it will still bypass defence of the target (like focused arrow strike). This critical chance is increased by your base crit rate. Hits for (100*SkillLV)% ATK.
Like Shadow Jump, Shadow Slash is restricted in WoE, and can only be cast on targets next to you.

[LV 1] 100% ATK / +30% Critical Rate
[LV 2] 200% ATK / +35% Critical Rate
[LV 3] 300% ATK / +40% Critical Rate
[LV 4] 400% ATK / +45% Critical Rate
[LV 5] 500% ATK / +50% Critical Rate
Required For: Final Strike (L1).
Max Level: 5
Type: Active
SP Cost: 10 + 10*SkillLV
Target: Self
Cast Time: 6 - 1*SkillLV sec
Cool Down: None
Duration: 15 + 15*SkillLV
Effect: Gather your inner spirit and prepare Illusionary Shadow or Final Strike. Increases INT and STR by SkillLV. Consumes 80 HP at level 5.
[LV 1] STR/INT +1, 30 sec
[LV 2] STR/INT +2, 45 sec
[LV 3] STR/INT +3, 60 sec
[LV 4] STR/INT +4, 75 sec
[LV 5] STR/INT +5, 90 sec
Throw Huuma Shuriken
Required For: Throw Zeny (L5).
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 15 + 5*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: 3 sec
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Huuma Shuriken
Effect: Throw a Huuma Shuriken that will deals splash damage in a 3x3 area. The total amount of damage is divided among the enemies damaged by this skill. Damage is 150+150*SkillLV.
[LV 1] 300% Damage
[LV 2] 450% Damage
[LV 3] 600% Damage
[LV 4] 750% Damage
[LV 5] 900% Damage
Throw Kunai
Required For: Throwing Mastery (L1), Throw Huuma Shuriken (L5).
Max Level: 5
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 35 - 5*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 1 Sec
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Kunai
Effect: Throw a Kunai that will hit three times for a total of 300% attack.
Kunai's deal a base damage of about 60 per hit which acts as a mastery bonus and bypasses defence, and strikes the target even if you would normally miss.
The attack's property is affected by the type of Kunai thrown.

Throw Shuriken
Required For: Throw Kunai (L5), Throw Huuma Shuriken (L5).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 2
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: None
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: 1 Shuriken
Effect: Throw a Shuriken at a target. Damage is ATK + 4*SkillLV.
This bonus damage completely bypasses all defense and hits the target even in cases where you normally would miss.

[LV 1] Damage +4
[LV 2] Damage +8
[LV 3] Damage +12
[LV 4] Damage +16
[LV 5] Damage +20
[LV 6] Damage +24
[LV 7] Damage +28
[LV 8] Damage +32
[LV 9] Damage +36
[LV 10] Damage +40
Throw Zeny
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 50
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: Instant
Cool Down: 5 sec
Duration: Instant
Catalyst: Zeny (see below)
Effect: Throw money at a target to inflict an amount of Defense piercing damage equal to the amount of zeny spent in the attack. Cost varies between 500*SkillLV and 1000*SkillLV Zeny.
Damage is reduced to half against Boss monsters and in PvP.

[LV 1] 500~1000 Zeny
[LV 2] 1000~2000 Zeny
[LV 3] 1500~3000 Zeny
[LV 4] 2000~4000 Zeny
[LV 5] 2500~5000 Zeny
[LV 6] 3000~6000 Zeny
[LV 7] 3500~7000 Zeny
[LV 8] 4000~8000 Zeny
[LV 9] 4500~9000 Zeny
[LV 10] 5000~10000 Zeny
Throwing Mastery
Required For: Throw Shuriken (L1), Throw Huuma Shuriken (L5), Issen (L7), Throw Zeny (L10).
Max Level: 10
Type: Passive
Effect: Increase Throw Shuriken skill damage by +3*SkillLV.
This bonus damage completely bypasses all defense and hits the target even in cases where you normally would miss.

[LV 1] ATK +3
[LV 2] ATK +6
[LV 3] ATK +9
[LV 4] ATK +12
[LV 5] ATK +15
[LV 6] ATK +18
[LV 7] ATK +21
[LV 8] ATK +24
[LV 9] ATK +27
[LV 10] ATK +30
Water Escape Technique
Required For: Falling Ice Pillar (L7).
Max Level: 10
Type: Active
SP Cost: 12 + 3*SkillLV
Target: Ground
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: 3 sec
Cool Down: 3 sec
Duration: 10 + 5*SkillLV sec
Catalyst: 1 Freezing Stone
Effect: Creates a puddle of water on the ground that reduce the movement speed of all enemies and decrease their AGI, except Ninjas.
Aqua Benedicta and Water Ball may be used on this puddle, also Lightning Spear of Ice will do additional damage if casted on the puddle.

[LV 1] Area 3x3, 15 sec, AGI -0
[LV 2] Area 3x3, 20 sec, AGI -3
[LV 3] Area 3x3, 25 sec, AGI -3
[LV 4] Area 5x5, 30 sec, AGI -3
[LV 5] Area 5x5, 35 sec, AGI -5
[LV 6] Area 5x5, 40 sec, AGI -5
[LV 7] Area 7x7, 45 sec, AGI -5
[LV 8] Area 7x7, 50 sec, AGI -8
[LV 9] Area 7x7, 55 sec, AGI -8
[LV 10] Area 9x9, 60 sec, AGI -8
Wind Blade
Required For: Lightning Crash (L5).
Max Level: 10
Type: Offensive
SP Cost: 10 + 2*SkillLV
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Cast Time: (0.7*SkillLV) sec
Cool Down: 1 sec
Duration: Instant
Effect: Throw the blades of wind and deal wind elemental damage.
[LV 1] 1 Hit
[LV 2] 2 Hits
[LV 3] 2 Hits
[LV 4] 3 Hits
[LV 5] 3 Hits
[LV 6] 4 Hits
[LV 7] 4 Hits
[LV 8] 5 Hits
[LV 9] 5 Hits
[LV 10] 6 Hits
Randomly increase or decrease a target's HP and SP. If the target receives magic damage, the damage will be distributed to nearby targets. This skill does not work on monsters.
Throws an explosive kunai to a target area. Deals damage to the target and all enemies around the target. Consumes one explosive kunai.
Summons a earth spirit from a earth amulet. Increase the damage of earth property attack and change your weapon to earth property. You can summon up to a maximum of 10 spirits. Consumes 1 earth amulet.
Switch the caster and the target's position. There is a chance to cause Confusion to the caster and/or the target.
Deals damage to enemies within a certain range around the caster. Consumes 8 kunais.
Throws the huuma shuriken to damage all enemies in a 7 x7 target area. The damage is depended on the caster's AGI, DEX and the level of the skill.
Summons a water spirit from a water amulet. Increase the damage of water property attack and change your weapon to water property. You can summon up to a maximum of 10 spirits. Consumes 1 water amulet.
Eliminate Ninja skills that has a fixed cast time and reduce the cast time of other skills by 50%. Increase MATK. Continuously drains a certain amount of SP while this skill is active.
An "Ensemble Skill" for the Kagerou and Oboro. When this skill is in effect, using this skill after a certain time will deal additional damage. The additional damage is depended on the caster's base level.
Lower a target's HP while causing a Curse effect on the target. In addition, there is a low chance to cause Coma if the caster's level is lower than or equal to the target's level.
Summons a fire spirit from a fire amulet. Increase the damage of fire property attack and change your weapon property to fire. You can summon up to a maximum of 10 spirits. Consumes 1 fire amulet.
Summons a wind spirit from a wind amulet. Increase the damage of wind property attack and change your weapon to wind property. You can summon up to a maximum of 10 spirits. Consumes 1 wind amulet.
Lower all stats of a target and change its appearance into a monster. The target will not be able to change equipment while the skill is in effect. Does not work against monsters.
When two weapons are equipped. Recovers the damage reduction penalty for the left hand.
Scatter spiky metal pieces on the ground, enemy steps on it will be stunned and unable to move for a certain amount of time. The higher the skill level the more spiky metal pieces will be created.
Cause the spirit of the caster to focus for 10 seconds. Restores HP and SP at a rapid rate. The caster is unable to move while focusing. When attacked in this state, there is a chance that the damage will be nullified.
The power-up edition of the skill Throw Zeny. Throw Up to 100,000 Zeny, ignore target defense and cause random damage. Damage is reduced by 50% on Boss monsters.
Randomly increase or decrease a target's HP and SP. If the target receives magic damage, the damage will be distributed to nearby targets. This skill does not work on monsters.
When two weapons are equipped. Recovers the damage reduction penalty for the right hand.
Deals damage to a target that is buffed with the Soul Linker Spirit skill. Cancels the Spirit buff on the target. The higher the skill level of the Spirit buff the higher the damage.
Release the spirit's power to deal damage to a target. Skill property is depended on the property of the summoned spirit.
Hide one's presence. Similar to Thief hide skill.
Alter the target's attack and magic attack stats depend on the target's level.
Produce a clone figure of the caster with a certain amount of HP that is depended on the level of the skill. The clone will disappear when its HP reaches 0.
Use your spirit power to produce various effect.